Bring Your Own Device or BYOD, is a technological policy in education and in the corporate world. BYOD is designed to give you, as students and families, the freedom to make technology choices that suit you and all your circumstances.
We understand that the purchase of a device is a major decision and a significant expense. A good quality device may last from Years 7 - 10, so viewed over 4 years the expense is considerably less.
In implementing the BYOD policy, NSHS empowers its students and gives them direct involvement in the way they use technology in their learning. At the same time, BYOD enables teachers to build on their experiences in the previously centrally-delivered model and adapt to this new hetrogeneous BYOD environment without losing the core technological capabilites on which they have been able to rely.
The school does not own the device, support the device or warranty the device. Experience from the previous Commonwealth-funded Digital Revolution scheme indicates that students who took care of their device and considered themselves the device's owner rarely had device security issues.
If you are concerned the device is going to be damaged, lost or stolen, you may wish to consider specific accidental damage insurance for the device. You can specifically list the item on your home contents insurance, or you can purchase an Accidental Damage Protection Plan for your device.
Purchasing a carry case or protective sleeve and extended warranty for your child's device is highly recommended.