Science is a dynamic, collaborative, and creative human endeavour arising from the desire to make sense of our world. It provides an empirical way of answering interesting and important questions. Through science, students explore the unknown, from the unseen world of the atomic nucleus to the inconceivable vastness of space. Students will investigate universal phenomena, make predictions, and solve problems about the changing world they live in.
The 2 main goals of science education are to:
inspire and nurture all students to be scientifically literate, which can help them make informed decisions, take responsible actions, and affect positive change
build on prior learning and to provide strong science foundations for students to pursue future learning in science.
Scientific literacy is increasingly important due to rapid change, globalisation and advanced technologies. All students should have the opportunity to develop scientific literacy. It provides a foundation for the development of students’ curiosity and wonder. Scientific literacy is essential to understand and respond to natural disasters, disease and the discovery of new materials and innovative technologies which shape our world.
The Science 7-10 syllabus will build on the knowledge, skills and understanding developed in K–6 to provide a solid foundation for further learning in Stage 6 and beyond. The practices of science are embedded in the Science 7-10 syllabus and provide useful skills for all students regardless of their chosen vocation. A solid foundation of science in real-world contexts can entice students to lifelong science learning.
Students who are proficient in science:
know, use, and interpret scientific explanations of the natural world
generate and evaluate scientific evidence and explanations
understand the nature and development of scientific knowledge; and
participate productively in scientific practices and discourse.
The Narrabeen Sports High School Science faculty includes:
Cameron McDonald - Head Teacher
Lauren Wilson - Assistant Head Teacher
Nicholas Bernard
Ash Carter
Ben David (Head Teacher Administration)
Jacqueline Hampson (Head Teacher Teaching & Learning)
Christina Ling
Lidia Marrocco
Sarah Reid-Anderson
Jodie Chapman
Wendy Gaylor-Wiggins
The following courses are offered in Science:
7-10 Science (covers Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Space and Physics)
7-10 electives:
iSTEM (Years 9&10)
STEM (Years 7&8)
Bush Regeneration (Year 7&8)
11-12 courses:
Earth & Environmental Science
Science Extension