Use QuickCliq to purchase from our online uniform shop.
The uniform shop is located on the mezzanine level of the gymnasium.
Opening hours during school terms:
- Monday 8am - 10am
- Thursday 2:30pm - 4pm
Additional Opening Hours for start of new year
- Thursday 30 January 2025 8am - 1pm
- Friday 31 January 2025 8am - 1pm
- Monday 3 February 8am - 1pm
Uniform Price List

School caps and beanies are also available but must NOT be worn in classrooms. Jewellery is NOT part of the school uniform.
If students are not wearing the correct footwear WHS requirements will result in them being excluded from practical classes in science, visual arts, food technology and hospitality classes as these subjects involve the use of chemicals, sharp tools etc. An alternate activity will be provided.
If students are out of uniform they must bring a note signed by parents explaining the reason. This must be signed by the Deputy Principal who will provide an ‘Out of Uniform' Pass.
The schools uniform policy can be downloaded via the link below
Uniform Policy 2016 (pdf 481 KB)
There has been some discussion around the wearing of hoodies and the carrying of handbags. It has been decided by the School Executive that the wearing of hoodies will not be permitted and that the following definition will apply to an appropriate bag for school use: Any bag which can comfortably carry an A4 folder and other sundry school related items e.g. pencil case, text books. This does not exclude 'handbags'; however it is hoped that all bags will be functional, rather than decorative.